Posts tagged: shotokan

Video Diary Karate Summer School

“In Summer you can find us in the park” ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ⭐️ ki ⭐️ Westerpark ⭐️ Karate ⭐️ Shotokan ⭐️ Zomer6sies ⭐️ Summer-sessions ⭐️ Sunday mornings ⭐️ Amsterdam JOIN US! It’s Fun! Healthy! Interesting & Gezellig! call 020-427 2814 for inquiries email: [email protected] [==============>KARATE?! Yes: Just do it! -`ღ´- -`ღ´- -`ღ´-ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ ☁ ▅▒░☼‿☼░▒▅ ☁ Zomer6sies…

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Karate summer school-Zomer6sies 2024-Doe mee aan de Zomersessies van karate school ki KARATE op het gras in de frisse zomerse buitenlucht is het perfect trainen in het Amsterdamse Westerpark

Karate Zomer6sies 2024

Zomer6sies *24 Zomer6sies: Vanaf zondag 21 juli t/m 25 augustus organiseert ki elke zondagochtend karatelessen in het Westerpark in Amsterdam! Tijd: 10:30-12:00 uur. Op deze tijd is het naar verwachting nog lekker rustig in het park en tevens nog fris en koel. Blijf bewegen! Meedoen aan de zomertrainingen is fijn. Niet iedereen gaat deze…

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Ouder en kind karate Amsterdam bij karateschool ki speciale Moeder en dochter karate klassen-karate Amsterdam

Moeder en Dochter Karate

Moeder en Dochter Karate. Graag nodigen we in het nieuwe jaar 2024 moeders met hun dochters uit om samen onze club te bezoeken. ENGLISH Moeder en Dochter Welkomstactie: Jullie kunnen gratis deelnemen aan een proefles en als je lid wordt ontvang je 20% korting op de contributie. Lesrooster: AMSTERDAM: Voor moeders met kinderen (5-12 jaar):…

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gilletti's message the graphic novel by Thérèse Zoekende will be given as an anniversary gift to new ki members

30 jaar ki

Dit seizoen 2023-2024 bestaat ki 30 jaar! ENGLISH Hiep, hiep, hoera! Dit seizoen is het 30 jaar geleden dat martial- en visual artists Patrick Koster en Thérèse Zoekende ki oprichtten. Historie Op donderdag 9 juni 1994 van 19:00-20:30 uur geven wij onze eerste karateles in de door ons opgerichte karateschool genaamd De Bijlmer…

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Karate school ki club cool joins Gemeente Amsterdam Stadspas Kidsgids project-welcome to start karate practice

Kidsgids Amsterdam

English version > 7 t/m 14 jaar Het symbool van Shotokan karate is de tijger, vanwege zijn souplesse, kracht, lenigheid en gratie. Precies dit train je in de karatelessen. Je wordt leniger, krijgt een betere conditie en raakt meer in balans. Karate maakt je lichamelijk en geestelijk sterker. Join the club en word een Shotokan…

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Kumite class 1: Masahiko Tanaka at ki karate school located in Amsterdam Centre and Monnickendam since 1994 by Amsterdam karate school ki Amsterdam | karate-amsterdam | shotokan-amsterdam | Amsterdam | karate | ki | summer-course | korting | shotokan karate amsterdam, amsterdam karate, amsterdam shotokan, karate herengracht, Karate centrum, centrum karate, montessori school, montessori school Amsterdam, karate montessori school Amsterdam, 14e montessorischool, 14e montessorischool de jordaan, de jordaan, karate de jordaan, karate 14e montessorischool, de witte olifant, obs de witte olifant, karate de witte olifant, de witte olifant karate, japanese, japanese community, japanese community netherlands, japanese karate, japanese community karate, japanese community netherlands karate, karate japanese community, karate japanese community netherlands,Theo thijssen, theo thijssenschool, karate theo thijssenschool, theo thijssenschool karate, kees de jongen, karate kees de jongen, kees de jongen karate, kendo, kendo Amsterdam, Amsterdam kendo, kenpo, kempo, kenpo karate, kenpo karate Amsterdam, uva karate, uva karate Amsterdam, kyukoshinkai, kyukoshinkai karate, kyukoshinkai Amsterdam, kyukoshinkai karate Amsterdam, usc karate, usc karate Amsterdam, vu karate, vu karate Amsterdam, rietveld academi, rietveld academi karate, hogeschool van Amsterdam, hogeschool inholland, hogeschool karate, karate hogeschool van Amsterdam, karate hogeschool inholland, chinese karate, chinese karate Amsterdam, chinees karate, chinees karate Amsterdam, china, china karate, china karate Amsterdam, wing chun, wing chun karate, wing chun karate Amsterdam, world behind your eyes, kumite class 1,

Kumite class 1: Masahiko Tanaka

Kumite class 1 @xxxx[{::::::::::> Masahiko Tanaka: World behind your eyes During a fight, you should mentally create your own world behind your eyes. In this way you can seize the initiative and connect the elements that influence your goal in a positive way. But what does “your own world” mean?. . . Fill the whole…

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Kumite class 2: Masahiko Tanaka at ki karate school located in Amsterdam Centre and Monnickendam since 1994 by Amsterdam karate school ki Amsterdam | karate-amsterdam | shotokan-amsterdam | Amsterdam | karate | ki | summer-course | korting | shotokan karate amsterdam, amsterdam karate, amsterdam shotokan, karate herengracht, Karate centrum, centrum karate, karate nieuw west, nieuw west karate, karate noord, karate Amsterdam noord, karate oost, karate Amsterdam oost, karate zuid, karate Amsterdam zuid, karate zuidoost, karate Amsterdam zuidoost, stadsdeel, stadsdeel karate, stadsdeel centrum, stadsdeel centrum karate, westerpark, westerpark karate, karate westerpak, karate westerpark Amsterdam, karate oud west, karate Amsterdam oud west, karate de baarsjes, karate Amsterdam de baarsjes, karate bos en lommer, bos en lommer, bos en lommer karate, oud noord, Amsterdam oud noord, karate Amsterdam noord, karate Amsterdam oud noord, centrum west, Amsterdam centrum west, centrum west karate, karate centrum west, centrum oost, Amsterdam centrum oost, stadsdeel centrum oost, karate centrum oost, de aker, stadsdeel de aker, Amsterdam de aker, karate de aker, sloten, stadsdeel sloten, Amsterdam sloten karate, karate Amsterdam sloten, karate sloten, kumite class 2, poker face, pokerface Amsterdam, 5-sense-organs

Kumite class 2: Masahiko Tanaka

Kumite class 2 @xxxx[{::::::::::> Masahiko Tanaka: Hearing, sight and touch Kumite class 2: Through the senses of hearing, sight and touch, people receive information at different speeds. We react to our sense of sight faster than to our sense of touch, and to our sense of hearing faster than to our sense of sight. These…

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Kumite class 3: Masahiko Tanaka at ki karate school located in Amsterdam Centre and Monnickendam since 1994 by Amsterdam karate school ki Amsterdam | karate-amsterdam | shotokan-amsterdam | Amsterdam | karate | ki | summer-course | korting | shotokan karate amsterdam, amsterdam karate, amsterdam shotokan, karate herengracht, therese zoekende Amsterdam, therese zoekende monnickendam, karate therese zoekende, karate patrick koster, shotokan patrick koster, patrick koster shotokan, shotokan therese zoekende, therese zoekende shotokan, therese karate, karate therese, patrick karate, karate patrick, home karate, karate home, karate huis, karate zuiver, karate zuiver Amsterdam, zuiver Amsterdam, zuiver karate, zuiver karate Amsterdam, homo karate, gay karate, homo Amsterdam, gay Amsterdam, homo Amsterdam karate, gay Amsterdam karate, lgbt Amsterdam, lgbt, lhbt, lgbt karate, lhbt Amsterdam, lhbt karate, lhbt karate Amsterdam, lgbt karate Amsterdam, internationaal karate, karate internationaal, karate international, shotokan intermational, kumite class 3,

Kumite class 3: Masahiko Tanaka

Kumite class 3 @xxxx[{::::::::::> Masahiko Tanaka: Kumite class 3 @xxxx[{::::::::::> Masahiko Tanaka: When you face an opponent in a fight, it is your sight that is responsible for giving you the basic information. That is why the eyes have an important role when engaging in tactics with a rival. . . Observe the opponent It…

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Kumite class 4: Masahiko Tanaka at ki karate school located in Amsterdam Centre and Monnickendam since 1994 by Amsterdam karate school ki Amsterdam | karate-amsterdam | shotokan-amsterdam | Amsterdam | karate | ki | summer-course | korting | shotokan karate amsterdam, amsterdam karate, amsterdam shotokan, karate herengracht, Japan karate association, japan, japan karate, JKA, JKA nederland, JKA the netherlands, jka netherlands, japan karate association nederland, japan karate association netherlands, japan karate association Amsterdam, japan karate association noord holland, jka Amsterdam, jka world federation, jka wf Amsterdam, Amsterdam jka, netherlands jka, karate meester, karatemeester, karatemeester Patrick Koster, karate juffrouw, karate juf, karate juf Therese zoekende, karateka patrick koster, karateka therese zoekende, therese zoekende karate, patrick koster karate, patrick koster Amsterdam, patrick koster monnickendam,

Kumite class 4: Masahiko Tanaka

Kumite class 4 @xxxx[{::::::::::> Masahiko Tanaka: Kumite class 4: “In my case, I always try to catch my opponent’s eyes. There is a strong relationship of action and reaction between the eyes and the movements of the body. This is very useful when breaking your opponent’s rhythm. Eyes in the back of your head Kumite…

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Kumite class at ki Fill the whole area that you reach with your hands and feet with a fog coming from your heart; that's cool

Kumite class 5: Masahiko Tanaka

Kumite class at ki @xxxx[{::::::::::> Masahiko Tanaka: Poker Face: the eyes show your own feeling as well as observe your opponent’s. Senses: Through the senses of hearing, sight and touch, people receive information at different speeds. Eyes: Using your eyes deeply, as if they were at the back of your head. Heart: Fill the…

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Original samurai teachings at ki from samurai-turned-priest Jōchō Yamamoto (1659-1719). Hagakure (Hidden among the leaves) is a guide, organized as a loose collection of thoughts, on how samurai should conduct themselves. - ki karateschool voor traditioneel Shotokan te Amsterdam en Monnickendam

HAGAKURE ‘Hidden among the leaves’ 2

HAGAKURE Hidden among the leaves 2 (◣﹏◢)╯ Hagakure – Hidden among the leaves: “A Man’s Appearance. One should always be equipped with rouge and powder. Sometimes it may happen when waking up with a hangover that one’s color is bad. At such times, one should take out one’s rouge and apply it.” Bushido philosophy The…

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Ma-ai 2 (間合い) #2 at ki karate school located in Amsterdam Centre and Monnickendam since 1994 by Amsterdam karate school ki Amsterdam | karate-amsterdam | shotokan-amsterdam | Amsterdam | karate | ki | summer-course | korting | shotokan karate amsterdam, amsterdam karate, amsterdam shotokan, karate herengracht, Karate centrum, centrum karate, montessori school, montessori school Amsterdam, mindfulness, mindfulness Amsterdam, mindfulness karate, mindfulness karate Amsterdam, karate mindfulness, karate mindfulness Amsterdam, daruma, darumapop, daruma doll, Bodhidharma, leermeester, karate leermeester, leermeester Amsterdam, daruma Amsterdam, darumapop Amsterdam, daruma doll Amsterdam, Bodhidharma Amsterdam, daruma karate, karate darumapop, karate daruma doll, karate Bodhidharma, karate daruma, darumapop karate, daruma doll karate, Bodhidharma karate, warrior, warrior pose, karate warrior, warrior pose karate, Amsterdam warrior, warrior pose Amsterdam, karate warrior Amsterdam, warrior pose karate Amsterdam, virabhadrasana, virabhadrasana Amsterdam, virabhadrasana karate, virabhadrasana karate Amsterdam, karate journal, journal, journal Amsterdam, karate journal Amsterdam, zwarte band, zwarte band Amsterdam, zwarte band karate, zwarte band karate Amsterdam, black belt, black belt Amsterdam, black belt karate, black belt karate Amsterdam, black belt club, black belt club Amsterdam, black belt karate club, black belt karate club Amsterdam, karate-do bond nederland, karate-do bond, karate-do bond Amsterdam, chinees karate, chinees karate Amsterdam, china, china karate, china karate Amsterdam, wing chun, wing chun karate, wing chun karate Amsterdam, world behind your eyes, Ma-ai 2 (間合い) #2,

Ma-ai 2 (間合い) #2

Advancing and retreating Ma-ai 2 – (間合い) en/of Ma (間). part 2: “The Ma requires advancing and retreating, separating and meeting.” The mind is the same with Heaven and Earth The circulatory rhythm of the body is similar to the sun and the moon The Law includes hardness and softness Act in accordance with time…

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We look forward to welcoming you to this summer-Happy Holidays-Zomer7even_2020_blog-announcement

Karate Summer Programme

Outdoor Karate. During the corona crisis, ki was forced to move her karate lessons outside. One and a half meters apart. Without contact exercises. It was surprisingly good training on the grass in the fresh air. That is why we are going to continue “Outdoor Karate” this summer vacation! Karate Summer Programme. Summer7even *…

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50% off summer karate course - Zomer karate programma met korting [*2019]-karate summer school organized by Amsterdam karate school ki Amsterdam | karate-amsterdam | shotokan-amsterdam | Amsterdam | karate | ki | actie korting

50% OFF Karate Summer

50% OFF Karate Summer Course [NL] + [EN] – English text below.  Deze zomer organiseert karateschool ki zomertrainingen met een speciale introductie cursus voor beginners! Vanaf woensdag 17 juli houden we elke woensdag een training. Tot en met woensdag 21 augustus 2019. Je kunt vanaf aanstaande woensdag 7 augustus met 50% korting deelnemen aan…

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Intro karate course - Zomer karate programma [*2019]-karate summer school organized by Amsterdam karate school ki Amsterdam

Intro course

Intro course karate in Summer 2019 [NL] + [EN] – English text below. Speciale introductiecursus. Deze zomer organiseert karateschool ki zomertrainingen met een speciale introductie cursus voor beginners! Vanaf woensdag 17 juli is er elke woensdag een training. T/m woensdag 21 augustus 2019. Vanaf ma 26 augustus begint in Amsterdam het nieuwe karate seizoen…

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