Posts tagged: cool

Karate school ki club cool joins Gemeente Amsterdam Stadspas Kidsgids project-welcome to start karate practice

Kidsgids Amsterdam

English version > 7 t/m 14 jaar Het symbool van Shotokan karate is de tijger, vanwege zijn souplesse, kracht, lenigheid en gratie. Precies dit train je in de karatelessen. Je wordt leniger, krijgt een betere conditie en raakt meer in balans. Karate maakt je lichamelijk en geestelijk sterker. Join the club en word een Shotokan…

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Kumite class 4: Masahiko Tanaka at ki karate school located in Amsterdam Centre and Monnickendam since 1994 by Amsterdam karate school ki Amsterdam | karate-amsterdam | shotokan-amsterdam | Amsterdam | karate | ki | summer-course | korting | shotokan karate amsterdam, amsterdam karate, amsterdam shotokan, karate herengracht, Japan karate association, japan, japan karate, JKA, JKA nederland, JKA the netherlands, jka netherlands, japan karate association nederland, japan karate association netherlands, japan karate association Amsterdam, japan karate association noord holland, jka Amsterdam, jka world federation, jka wf Amsterdam, Amsterdam jka, netherlands jka, karate meester, karatemeester, karatemeester Patrick Koster, karate juffrouw, karate juf, karate juf Therese zoekende, karateka patrick koster, karateka therese zoekende, therese zoekende karate, patrick koster karate, patrick koster Amsterdam, patrick koster monnickendam,

Kumite class 4: Masahiko Tanaka

Kumite class 4 @xxxx[{::::::::::> Masahiko Tanaka: Kumite class 4: “In my case, I always try to catch my opponent’s eyes. There is a strong relationship of action and reaction between the eyes and the movements of the body. This is very useful when breaking your opponent’s rhythm. Eyes in the back of your head Kumite…

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Kumite class at ki Fill the whole area that you reach with your hands and feet with a fog coming from your heart; that's cool

Kumite class 5: Masahiko Tanaka

Kumite class at ki @xxxx[{::::::::::> Masahiko Tanaka: Poker Face: the eyes show your own feeling as well as observe your opponent’s. Senses: Through the senses of hearing, sight and touch, people receive information at different speeds. Eyes: Using your eyes deeply, as if they were at the back of your head. Heart: Fill the…

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Hagakure-teaching-1 at karate school ki for traditional Shotokan karate-do in Amsterdam Center and Monnickendam

HAGAKURE ‘Hidden among the leaves’ 1

HAGAKURE: There is Always Room for Improvement I have heard that a certain master swordsman, having reached old age, made the following statement: Lifetime training “A samurai’s training lasts a lifetime, and there is a proper order to it. At the lowest level of training, even though you practice, you do not seem to improve.…

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Uplifting push-ups Experience the uplifting energy of push-ups in a team context. In a team context, push-ups strengthen not only triceps and biceps but also group spirit. Practicing push-ups as an introductory part of a karate lesson is essential. Doing push-ups is seen as one of the basic exercises for self-defense. Everyone can (learn to)…

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Beauty of the Battle at CODA Museum

Opening Beauty of the Battle 30.09.2018 | 14:30 uur De schoonheid van strijd in CODA Museum Geweld, strijd en haat roepen in eerste instantie afkeer op. Toch fascineert het gevecht en de schoonheid ervan wanneer het onderdeel is van bijvoorbeeld een dansvoorstelling of verbeeld is in een schilderij. In Beauty of the Battle confronteert CODA…

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Kidsgids: ki en GEMEENTE AMSTERDAM voor STADSPAS. Interview Kidsgids met Anish. “Ik wil de zwarte band halen als ik twintig ben.” Na één proefles wist Anish (6) het meteen: hij wil door tot de zwarte band. Met zijn oma oefent hij de moeilijke Japanse woorden van de houdingen. En in de les doet hij…

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