Category archive for: karate online

Karate class online

karate class online ki – lesson 1 Karate class online. This is the time. The first online karate lesson is a fact. Our club teacher Thérèse Zoekende taught last Sunday morning. Ki has now been closed for two weeks due to government measures. The measure is intended to attempt to curb the Corona…

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CLASS-3_blog-ki-club-cool-karate-online-by-therese-zoekende-Blijf-bewegen, blijf-karate, thuis-blijven, stay-home, thuis-karate, home-karate, karate-in-quarantaine, karate-class-in-quarantaine, blijf-positief-karate-stream, stay-positive-karate-stream, practice-karate-home, more-muscle-mass-karate, build-stamina-karate, an-effective-immune-system-karate, keep-moving-keep-karate, keep-fit-keep-karate, keep-moving-do-karate-online, keep-fit-follow-karate-online, effectief-afweersysteem-karate, meer-spiermassa-karate, ki-club-cool-amsterdam, ki-club-cool-karate-monnickendam, ki-club-cool-karate-online, ki-club-cool-hometrainer, ki-club-cool-shotokan-karate-amsterdam-centrum, ki-club-cool-herengracht, ki-club-cool-therese-zoekende, ki-club-cool-nrc-handelsblad, karate-nrc-handelsblad, intelligente-lockdown-karate-online, intelligent-lockdown-karate-online, private-karate-class-online, karate-prive-lessen-voor-iedereen, stilzitten-is-funest-karate-online, sitting-still-is-disastrous-karate-online, bewegen-en-toch-binneblijven-karate-online, move-and-stay-in-karate-online, karate-stream, gratis-karatelessen-amsterdam, free-karate-classes-ki-club-cool, personal-karate-instructor,

Keep moving, keep fit!

Keep moving, keep fit! Dear members, we would like to share the attached newspaper article with you. It emphasizes the importance of moving in these quarantine times. At the moment our karate school ki in Amsterdam and Monnickendam is unfortunately closed. The karate online project was set up to be able to follow karate…

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karateschool online

ki karateschool online – les 2 / lesson 2 Online karateschool Tekst uit Gichin Funakoshi’s, Karate-do Kyohan, The Master-tekst. Text from Gichin Funakoshi, Karate-do Kyohan, The Master text. De waarde van karate als atletische training (pagina 11) Bij karate moet het hele lichaam in alle richtingen kunnen bewegen. In tegenstelling tot bijvoorbeeld de nadruk…

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